WOW – This is the 24th YEAR the Denver Fire Department has hosted this event!
September 9th, Friday
11:00 AM – I’m not sure how late, so don’t wait too long
As you all know, this is one of my favorite events in Downtown Denver!
Firefighters come from all over the country to participate. Last year, I think my favorite non-Denver booth was the Los Angeles Fire Department booth, except for the guy who must have had too much beer in the background of this photo! These guys were stopping everyone…I’m wondering is there a contest to see who makes the most money?
I have fond memories of the New York Fire Department kissing booth…wait…what year was that? I think they must have made the most money that year. They were just fun and silly!

It is so much fun to not only test the different types of chili but to have the guys try to talk you into testing them! Green Chili, Chili with Beans, tortillas, cornbread, you name it, I bet you will find it here. As a matter of fact, I bet the different fire houses will be testing their recipes this week, the week before, to make sure they are better than goooood.
Guys… you wonder where the single women will be? hint….HERE.
Come meet us for lunch, it is a great event for everyone!
Donations are the name of the game this day, and the donations go to the MDA.
Hope to see you there!