9 step process to sell your Denver metro area home for top dollar.
Let’s list your home the way it deserves to be listed.
The way your home is listed on the market can make a big difference in your selling experience. Doing it right will set your home apart from the others. I can help.

Market with your home in mind.
Each home is unique and so is every buyer. We take a thoughtful approach to telling your property’s story to the right buyer, from staging and styling to print and digital to photos and video, and more. Taking our time to craft the right story will help guide buyers through the process in an intentionally curated way. Telling the story to a potential buyer is more important than ever. Right now, people want to see as much as they can online before they go into a property.
Experience matters.
Technology makes it easy to enter information into the MLS system and have your property appear “for sale”. But we know it takes more than that to get top dollar. I‘ve been through many markets—good, bad and ugly—and I know how to market effectively in any climate.

Create a great first impression.
You and your property are unique. You and your property deserve to be treated that way. My job is to tell the story of your property so that you and the buyers fall in love from the moment they see the photos to the moment they walk in the door and beyond. If we create a first impression you truly love, chances are the buyers will do the same.
Say hello to my 9-part process for listing your home right

#1 Make It Simple
Selling your property seems stressful and time consuming. I’ll make the process as seamless as possible. Through pre-sale meetings, we will coordinate with my team to execute the tasks and checklists to help you prepare your property for sale. We have contractors, cleaners, organizers, decluttering and junk removal professionals lined up to help you focus on what is important. Staging and styling your home for the next buyer goes a long way, and we have experts that we’ve worked with for years ready to help.
#2 Custom Videos
Custom videos are one of the pieces that will really set your property apart. Creating these videos, and strategically targeting them towards your potential buyers, is a key piece of my marketing plan. These videos are always professionally filmed and edited to help showcase your home in its best light.
We are not talking about a “virtual tour” here. That is completely different. Anyone can put those together, and most of the time agents call those a “listing video”, when it’s really just a slideshow of the listing photos. I spend the money to script, edit and produce an actual video that is all about telling your property’s story in an impactful way.

#3: Professional Photos
Buyers start their search online (at least 96% of them do). First impressions start by staging, shooting, and showcasing a handful of photos that draw buyers in and ultimately stop them from looking past us to the hundreds of other listings. We only have a split second to captivate a buyer’s attention, and good photos can capture it every time. My professional photographer has a creative eye for every listing; no two homes are alike in her eyes, and it shows in the photos she creates.
#4: Online Advertising
As an early adopter of social media, my marketing approach leans heavily on what we can do online, making use of numerous channels and networks to target, track, and convert online buyers. I use the best systems on the market combined with my creative expertise to reach every potential buyer we can. Partner websites, social media platforms, search engine tools, paid advertising, targeted emailing, retargeting campaigns, just listed and open house advertising—I love it all, and I’ll put it to work for you.
#5: Dedicated Property Page
Each of my listings is showcased on an individual property page on my website, which allows me to capture potential buyers and easily share your listing details across all online platforms. The property page will highlight all the marketing efforts we’ve made, from the photography to the crafted storytelling to the custom videos and more.
#6: Custom Designed Print Materials
All of our printed marketing pieces are custom designed by our in-house team of graphic designers. They create all of the content for the Compass — Denver team using a consistent, polished, and modern style that appeals to today’s buyers. Our materials are designed and printed with the highest quality to ensure a positive impression throughout the experience, including property brochures, flyers, announcements, post cards, invitations, and magazine print ads.

#7: Utilize My Network
Getting the word out about your property to as many people in our city and potentially outside the city is paramount.
Buyers — My network of buyer contacts continues to grow with each listing. They’ll receive our gorgeous online marketing materials featuring your listing.
Realtors — I carefully curate a Realtor network that is categorized by their typical buyer price points and neighborhood. After 20 years in the business, my relationships and reputation often help in the selling process, whether that is with buyer feedback or negotiating contracts. My relationships with agents across the country continues to grow every day—I have a network of a few thousand agents where we meet and share best practices and can leverage those resources to work for you.
#8: Open Houses
Every open house is planned based on type of property and location. The idea is to create a buzz and strong interest in your property through strategic online marketing and network of agents. In addition, your neighbors and the surrounding area are a target market for our open houses so we can spread the word in a hyper-local way. Our sales and marketing strategy is designed with this end result in mind: to sell your property for the most amount of money in the least amount of time with zero hassle or stress.
#9: The Team
I am an individual agent with an amazing team of professionals who help me throughout the sales process. It always starts and stops with me, but in between, there are stagers, stylers, marketing and design teams, photographers, videographers, and transaction coordinators who are all part of my team and are just as dedicated to helping your home sell. I couldn’t do all of this without their help.
I’m excited to put my expertise to work for you to help you achieve all your real estate goals.

#10: Celebrate!
We list to sell.
Let’s make your dreams come true.
Let’s make this happen.

Download My Free Report
“10 Ways To Prepare Your Home For Sale”