So here we are, 13 days into 2011 and by reorganizing my day, and my priorities, I have definitely rocked the boat. It feels good, so for those of you still wondering if you want to do something out of your ordinary, I encourage you to do it. It is exhilarating!
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. ~Albert Einstein.
How many times have we heard that, said that, or done that? Too many!
What have you done in the past two weeks to make a change to create change? It doesn’t have to be drastic, it can be subtle.
I wore a pair of fabulous orange and yellow cowboy boots all day Tuesday and you wouldn’t believe the comments I received! I wore them because I had such a busy day, I didn’t think I would be able to change before Governor John Hickenlooper’s Inauguration and I am glad I did. There were men stopping me to tell me about their granddaughters or daughters or nieces who would love a pair of boots like that. Their faces just lit up telling me about the ladies they loved. The women, who just smiled at me and then the women who told me they were their “second” favorite or their “first” favorite pair of the night.
It was so interesting to wear something out of my normal wardrobe. As I looked around the room Tuesday night at the Filmore Auditorium, I saw women and men of all ages, races, and of both political parties, having fun together. Some were dressed to the nines, no cowboy attire at all, but many were wearing cowboy hats, fringe jackets and cowboy boots that I know they wouldn’t normally wear, but were celebrating and rocking their boats as well.
What have you done to rock your boat yet this year?