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Yes, you are right. The only thing we don’t have in Denver is an ocean.
We do have a little water, usually surrounded by a park and a path used by pedestrians, runners, bikers, rollerbladers and then encircled by a neighborhood. So if you are looking to buy a house and you want to be near water, here are a few neighborhood to check out.
Our biggest and most nationally known (within the city limits) are probably Washington Park, City Park, Sloan Lake, but there is Confluence Park, Rocky Mountain Park and Berekely Lake, as well. We have one of the most elaborate bike paths in the country, you can get to all of these park by bike from anywhere in the city, you can ride to the two dams (Cherry Creek State Park and Chatfield Lake) and for that matter, you could get to Denver International Airport and Red Rocks from those parks as well.
As one of the most active cities in the U.S. we have at least 9 months of the year where you can be outside enjoying our 350+ days of sunshine.
Speaking of water, our drinking water comes from the mountains, the more it snows in the mountains, the better. We do have water restrictions in the summer if we don’t get enough precipitation through the winter and spring and our drinking water is always in the top 3 in the country. It’s clean, it tastes good, no need to buy bottled water here. side enjoying our 350+ days of sunshine.
Living Denver,