It is if YOU are ready. How do you determine if you are ready?
- You have a REALTOR that you like and trust. (Not an agent, but an EXPERIENCED REALTOR.)
- You have a lender and you and your REALTOR knows that the lender has successfully closed loans in the past year.
- You know your credit score.
- You have the down payment needed to get the best loan for you. (If you want to do this with no money down there are a few programs still out there to help you but, you will still need moving and emergency money.)
- You want to make an investment for your long term future.
Interest rates are not at all time lows, but they are still EXTREMELY low.
Housing prices are still low, and are predicted to stay steady. Your REALTOR will know exactly what is happening in the particular neighborhood you want, and you need to focus on that, not what is happening at a national, state, or even city level.
We are beginning a new normal. We won’t be able to compare much of what is happening this year to the last two years, because we had many outside influences we won’t have this year and a few more this year than we have seen in the past. For instance, the past two years included tax credits for buyers. Those aren’t available any more. This year I have already heard quite a few sellers give their keys back to the bank instead of dealing with a short sale. Banks weren’t too keen on that a couple years ago.
If you are unsure of what you want to do, talk to a REALTOR and make a plan with them. We know many times, we start a process with a buyer and a seller that takes months to implement. Being prepared is the key for this to be the BEST TIME to BUY for YOU.
We are here to help you, your best interest is our best interest. Call me if you need help in Denver or a referral to another city in the United States. I have amazing contacts across the country. 303-995-3180