Denver Sellers, there are 3 components in your last effort to prepare for the buyers first impression:
1. Staging – Typically, if you have been in your house for more than 3 years you need to move out approximately 1/3 of your furniture and 2/3 of the “stuff” on tables, shelves, in kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Moving out mentally and physically so that the buyer can mentally move in is important and it gives you a head start for the move anyway. The house needs to feel lived in, but not so lived in the buyer doesn’t think you can move out. If you have a vacant property, I have a stager and we can fill that house in no time, we wouldn’t want a house to feel too vacant.
2. Cleaning – Let’s bring in the professionals and let them take care of business.
3. Pre Showing for constructive feedback – I love to bring in my best REALTOR friends and critics. The will give us the constructive feedback we need before we let any buyers come in. We want to make sure someone falls in love in the first 30 seconds.
I’m looking forward to helping you get ready to sell your house!