If you are thinking you want to negotiate a seller to death, make her/him bleed to death by nickel and dimming over every single tiny inspection item or maybe just keep kicking him/her in the teeth by asking for more off of the price of the house with every opportunity presented, so you can get […]
What if the Appraisal Comes Back too Low?
What if the appraisal comes back too low? It seems to be happening a lot over the past couple years in the Denver Metro Area. Real estate agents are doing CMA’s (comparative market analysis) from the Buyer’s point of view and from the Seller’s point of view when pricing the property and when making offers. […]
Am I Going to Loose My Earnest Money?
Am I going to lose my earnest money? This is a question that is asked by every buyer almost every buyer I have ever worked for. The basic answer is: No. If you follow the dates and deadlines in the contract. Yes. If you DO NOT follow the dates and deadlines in the contract. It […]
Earnest Money
Earnest money is money that is sent with an offer when purchasing a property. It is similar to a security deposit when renting an apartment but it will be applied to the amount of money the buyer is bring to the table when they close on the property. Some buyers offer more than the seller […]